Annalogue is launching their EP All Is Said and Done this August 29th, and we can’t wait for you to hear it! In the meantime, we talk to Annalogue about their experiences in writing, recording, and producing the EP. We also ask them about upcoming plans and what we can expect from the band for this release and beyond.
Here is what Annalogue had to say.
Tell us about your journey so far leading up to the “All Is Said And Done” EP.
It’s been a long time coming. The band started close to 7 years ago. Members have come and gone. When we started writing our own music, we had hopes of recording them but we didn’t think we’d get here. We’ve had to weather through many things individually and as a group. In the end, we just let the chips fall where they may. It’s flattering to know people are still looking forward to hearing our material after so long.
Any interesting stories in the writing, recording, and production of these songs?

We mostly recorded on separate sessions because of our conflicting schedules, but there were a few times where we met at Bammerstudio and helped out on who recorded their tracks that session.
Kara recorded the drums for Bones in record time, which was about 11 minutes (she initially scheduled the recording session for an hour). Tatski finished the bass tracks in just a few takes as well.
It was interesting to hear Achoy’s guitar parts, especially in Lest We Forget, because the lead had so many versions since we first started playing it, that to finally hear the studio version gives the song a sense of permanence—it feels complete.
The vocal recording took the longest to finish and was the most arduous for Arkyoo to do. While recording at home last year, she fell ill twice and had to postpone for several months until she had recovered.
If Only There Was a Way was recorded at Arkyoo’s at the last minute with a vocoder. We didn’t plan to have an interlude for the EP but this eventually made it on the list. It created a quick breather and transition from All I Want, which is a heavy song, to the light and cheery Solaris. It made sense to have it in between these two tracks.
The final mixing and mastering took a while as well. We’re grateful that through KC of KRNA and Francis Ramos of Kinsa Recordings (also from KRNA) stepped in and saved our skins.

Has the pandemic in any way affected the process of getting to this point?
It has. We had planned to release the EP in June this year, but one thing led to another, and certain circumstances were beyond our control. But we’re here now.
How have you been spending all the free time recently?
Tatski, who’s in Canada, is making virtual gigs with friends from home and overseas. Arkyoo is either catching up on sleep or staying up to draw and watch video commentaries/podcasts/documentaries. Achoy is spending as much time with his kids as possible, trying to find as much work as he can in this economy. Kara is focusing on school and work (and barely has any free time!) We’re all staying home and staying safe.
Other than the EP release, anything we should be excited about in the next few months?
Expect merch!! And maybe a virtual gig (?)
Eager to hear Annalogue’s EP? Here’s a preview of one of the tracks in the EP “Solaris”.
“All Is Said And Done” is now available for preorders and pre-saving on Spotify! Check out this link to preorder your CD copy, digital copy, or to save the song in advance on Spotify so you’ll be the first to hear it! The album is coming out on August 29th. Subscribe to our mailing list or follow us on Facebook to get more updates.