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Honeydrop – Prelude

Honeydrop - Prelude

released October 13, 2013

Produced and arranged by Honeydrop
Vanya Deutsch – vocals / Karl Lucente – guitars / Tram Florido – guitars / Jud Sala – bass / Jeriel Laraño – drums

Recorded by Jad Bantug, Chase Bantug, and Felipe Anjelo Calinawan @ 1032 Recording Studio*
Tracks 2, 3, 4, 5, and 7 mixed by Jad Bantug.
Track 6 mixed by Chase Bantug.

* Except Track 1 “You’re Just A Man” recorded and mixed @ DLV Studios by Paolo de la Victoria

Illustration and package design by: Mar Jefferson Go

Track List

  1. You’re Just A Man
  2. Forever Blue
  3. The Place
  4. Grrrdog
  5. Break Me Up
  6. G.O.O.D.
  7. Truth
  8. You’re Just A Man (Ver. 2)

Purchase on Bandcamp
