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A Holiday Message from Melt Records

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A Holiday Message From Your Friends at Melt Records | Melt Records

Editor’s note: This message was written days before Typhoon Odette caused incredible damage to our home base of Cebu City as well as the rest of the Visayas and some parts of Mindanao. The tone may have become more somber after what has happened, but our message of pulling through in spite of adversity continues to resonate, perhaps even more than before. We hope to do what we can to pitch in to the relief and recovery efforts, and we hope you will too. All earnings from Melt Records merch, downloads, and streaming income for the month of December will go to Typhoon Odette relief efforts, so you can pitch in simply by buying an album from your favorite artist on our Bandcamp or online store. We’ll all get through this together!

Dear friends, audiences, artists, and collaborators,

What can we say? It’s been two very difficult years in a row. But somehow throughout what seemed like an insurmountable number of challenges we faced in 2021, none of us in the Melt Team ever felt that we couldn’t accomplish even more than we did in 2020.

Mission was the story of the year and we double downed on a few of the reasons we continue to do what we do – transparency and experience. We managed to finally launch our very own artist dashboard that allowed us to open up as much information as we can to our artists about our work with them, including all the financial details we have our hands on. Additionally, we picked up where we left off last year in exploring brand new ways for you to experience all the amazing music from our growing roster.

Just so we can shamelessly bask in it, here are a few quick numbers and facts that tell a story about what we’re so grateful for this year:

  • Went into Beta with our very own artist transparency dashboard
  • Reached more than 4,000 likes on our Facebook page and 200 subscribes on YouTube
  • Two big online stream events featuring your favorite Melt Records artists (and guests!)
  • 2 albums, 14 singles, and 2 music videos released

So what’s coming up for next year? Well, we’re looking forward to surprising ourselves again. But we do have a few good things already lined up as early as now. Manic Mundane is launching her debut EP; The Bleaching Hour have a brand new track coming up, their first release with us; Francis Cang is releasing a series of tracks revisiting his prog-fusion roots. And that’s just the first couple of months!

We’re also hoping to further spread our mission of transparency to the industry at large by whitelabeling our artist dashboard for use by other friends in the music business. Lastly, we’re leveraging on everything we’ve learned over the past year to hopefully create even more new experiences for you.

And whatever kind of situation the year may bring, we’re happy to adapt as we have over the last couple of years. And we’re committed to continue giving you the best music experience we possibly can deliver.

So before we wrap up the year and head into the next, we’d like to say a heartfelt “thank you” for being with us through 2021 – you’ve made it all the more enjoyable and meaningful for us to keep trying to be better.

All the love,

The Melt Records Team

Listen to this Holiday playlist we’ve wrapped up lovingly to fill your airwaves with the spirit of the season!