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Behind the scenes of Melt! Melt! Melt! In Your Home!

By TJ Delima

Melt! Melt! Melt! In Your Home‘s 1st leg last July 3, 2021 was a blast! Friends, families and fans where all there to witness live performances from Francis Cang, Sunday Sunday, Lynel Music, and UJU, all thru Melt’s Virtual Stage and Facebook Live! Debb Acebu from Honeydrop also had some fun chatty time with each artist after their performances to see what they’ve been up to! Most of them share a lot about their music and how they have been through the pandemic.

Behind the scenes, we also had some insightful conversations with some of #Melt!Melt!Melt!InYourHome’s artists, as they share their thoughts about preparing for the virtual gig and how they are coping up with the pandemic. When we asked what will the audience be looking forward for their sets, most of them were excited to share their music and the kind of sound that they will be playing. Cortz from Sunday Sunday talked about “having fun and rocking out!” while Francis Cang shared that there will be “lots of uhhh dark, ambient zombie vibes… and delay” with a chuckle. “People might be interested to see how we can pull off a set with only the 3 of us now,” added KC from KRNA. Kath from Manic Mundane and Kenanaiah from UJU both are excited to play their track songs Dream of Better Days by UJU and a new curated, never-been-heard-before tracks from Manic Mundane’s upcoming EP!

Since we all know that the pandemic had been hard for musicians and music events, we asked them how they’ve been doing and how the pandemic is affecting each of them.

They’ve all agreed that it has been tough for musicians and artists alike. Sunday Sunday misses live gigs and KRNA had their founding member leave the band. Virtual meetings have been the next best thing when trying to meet up and play.

“It is just not as fun as it is in person”

Chelsea from Chelsea Dawn

While Honeydrop are still taking their time with live sessions & Francis Cang had been busy and had to end a project for the best, there are still music being made and developed, Kath Dizon used the time she had to sit and focus on her music, especially with songwriting and UJU are thankful that they were still able to discuss future stuff for the band, thru virtual meetings.

Nevertheless, the first leg was a success demonstrating how that the music & local scene will always persist no matter what, especially if the people at Melt Records can do something about it! And this is their way to keep the scene alive and bring the music directly to your home. Of course, none of this would have been possible without our media partners, The Rest Is Noise PH, JLE Music, and IDCB!

And finally, we’re hosting this stream series as our way to remind everyone to #GetVaccinated as soon as you are able so we can #BringBackLiveGigs! Don’t forget to stay tuned for the 2nd leg of Melt! Melt! Melt! In Your Home, coming right up on July 10, 2021. Click here to RVSP