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Our Staff and Artists Share Their New Year’s Resolutions

Here’s a list of New Year’s intentions and resolutions from our staff and your favorite Melt Records artists!

By: TJ Delima

Nobody predicted that the year 2021 would be difficult and a roller coaster ride. Ending the year was less a bang and more a disaster. What transpired in the weeks leading up to the New Year completely altered our outlook on life.  Sleeping in the dark, cut off from families, and queuing for water under the sweltering heat of the sun- no one had expected things to drastically change that way. Things that we used to take for granted now feel more valuable than ever.

We at Melt Records are well aware of the difficulties such as access to potable water, which is why we started the Bottles Brigade together with John Bottles Events, which distributes water bottles on a regular basis to hard-to-reach places in Cebu and now to Bohol, Siargao, and Southern Leyte as well. Here’s where you can find out more about it.

Recently, we can already see some areas of the city light up all thanks to the people involved in working to energize every location, and while stable internet is still scarce, we are optimistic for faster improvements soon.

Everyone is hoping for the best and we will surely recover – maybe not as fast as we’d like it to be, but we’ll get there nonetheless. Despite these trying times, the New Year is still a celebration everyone looks forward to. Bringing more opportunities and a chance to rebuild and create new art, the team and artists at Melt Records shared their new year resolutions and plans for 2022. 

Dexter Sy | Producers | Melt Records

“Say more nice things about others! 🙂 As a label, we want to expand the channels we currently have to elevate our artists’ voice and reach. Likewise, we’re excited to multiply the effect of our efforts towards transparency in the music business to beyond our own label.” Dexter Sy, Co-founder of Melt Records

“Work harder than I’ve ever had to with my music. Release some new stuff!” -Cortz, Guitarist at Sunday Sunday

Working on getting back in shape physically and mentally is something Cortz is also looking forward to this year. I think all of us are really working on keeping ourselves healthy in all aspects of our lives.

“Keep on surviving, as always! As well as  finish and release long awaited album” – Francis Ramos from KRNA

Francis also expressed his excitement at the chance to spend another year seeing his son grow up.

Keith Human | Melt Records

“My new year’s resolution is to play the piano or write songs for performers of various genres. Also work on promoting my band “Jouissance” with the support of my producer, Bobbi. I feel our songs are worth hearing. I can’t wait to finish recording the rest of my debut album, “Boringly Wild.” and looking forward to release my LIVE EP that my  audience can anticipate. It will be released this month! ” Keith Human

“New Year’s Resolution: Stop looking at gear! & follow-up singles!  We’re hoping for our borders to open this year, so fingers crossed we’ll be able to travel back home!”

Brando Bartolome from FatherGore

Francis Cang | Melt Records

“Stop buying guitars!  Haha My goal for this year is to get guitars for free and release tons of new material!  Jamming outside CDO would be something I’m looking forward to this year as well.”

-Francis Cang

“Resolutions of this type don’t really work well for me. I just want to be a better person than I was yesterday. I find that a day by day set of goals work better for me. We REALLY need to finish the Irrevocable EP soon haha.” – Tani from Irrevocable 

After what happened during the pandemic, Tani also expressed that for the time being, he prefers not to look too far ahead. “Better to be pleasantly surprised than disappointed.”

Annalogue | Melt Records

“Live healthier and hopefully be able to write new material. I’m hoping the pandemic ends and we can get back to having gigs.”

-Anthony Ira Quirante, Guitarist from Annalogue

“New Year’s Resolution? Well, to create songs and a new album. Hopefully get to go home Philippines this year as well”

-Tatski, Bassist from Annalogue

Manic Mundane | Melt Records

“Stop procrastinating! That’s my new year’s resolution. My goal this year is to manage my busy sched appropriately and learn more on the post-prod side. Can’t wait to release a full length album. Fingers crossed!” – Kath Dizon of Manic Mundane

She as well as all of us are also excited to resume live gigs this year. Hopefully. 

“We’ve made a new Still Dreams album, so our ambition for 2022 is to release it successfully. The goal for our band this year is to make another new album and play some shows outside of Japan. Hopefully things will be better. I’m most looking forward to the release of Starfield, a new RPG from my favorite game company Bethesda 🙂 Sorry to keep talking about games!” -Ryuta Wachi from Still Dreams

“Learn piano. haha and maybe write more songs. The band  hopes to release a new album, a few music videos, and some live performances.” -Kenanaiah Jo, bassist, co-songwriter, producer at UJU 

Peregrine PH

“My new year’s resolution is to be more active as a musician, practice my instrument more. To be finally able to finish and release our album. It’s been in progress for almost 2 years and we just can’t wait to have it all done. Another one would be to be able to play live gigs outside Zamboanga since Covid restrictions have been lifted in other cities.”

Ryan of Peregrine

Besides the growing anticipation of the comeback of live gigs, Peregrine is also planning on launching their debut new album this year so stay tuned for that! 

Debb Acebu | Melt Records

“To be a better person than last year and to be able to do gigs again! We want a safer environment for everyone, healthy lives, and peaceful 2022 elections!” – Debb Acebu, Vocalist at Honeydrop

These are just a handful of New Year’s intentions and plans that each band and artist are working on. As for me, I am working on improving myself in every aspect of my life & be more grateful to everything that I’ve accomplished in the past years. Though 2022 had a rough start, better days are yet to come to smoothen all the rough edges. Let us know your own new year’s resolutions and tag us on social media!

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